Thursday, March 3, 2011

Workout Buddy..kinda

My husband has off on Wednesdays as do I, so we like to plan things to do together on our day off.  So yesterday I woke up and asked him if he would like to go to the gym with me.  I was surprised when he said yes.

I typically strength train on Wednesdays with a friend from the gym.  Lately, no matter how exhausted we are from the weight session, we will run 3 to 4 miles afterwards since we are both training for a 25K in May.  I asked my husband if he wanted to join us for either or both activities and he kindly responded no.  He wanted to do his own thing which was fine.  I really liked knowing that he was out here somewhere working up a sweat too.  At one time I didn't see him out on the floor and I joked with my workout partner that he probably left to go get coffee from Starbucks. :o)

I have been a member at my gym for almost 6 years now.  Since he has been so busy finishing up his graduate degree, it wasn't really worth it for him to have a membership.  Now that he has graduated maybe it is time for him to join?

(He did tell me he was sore today...the good kind of sore!)

Do you strength train/run/swim/bike/do yoga with your significant other?


  1. That is pretty cool

    My S/O will swim with me, she tells me her goal is do at least half of what my workout is. And she normally does

  2. Michael and I workout at different gyms. But we watch tv together, does that count?

  3. I sit through my wife's lame TV shows but aside from that, no. I do however am getting my girls to enjoy bike riding and (hopefully) running.

  4. OK, I guess Jim already answered the question for us. Isn't that awful that we don't even work out at the same gym...but mine is better :)

  5. My hubby and I actually belong to different gyms :) His is more convenient to his job so he can go after work. During the summer we do go to our favorite trail together and he will ride his bike and I will run :)

  6. The Redhead and I train together with some frequency...and I love every moment that we do.

  7. We try to, but it is hard when we have to have someone watch our son. It generally works out when we both have lunch or a mid day break at the same time!!!
